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What is the amplifier? Amplifier function

What is the amplifier? Amplifier function
The amplifier is used to compensate the loss of signal generated in the cable transmission, divided into one-way and two-way two. Unidirectional amplifier are balanced amplifier only each channel in the carrier signal; two-way amplifier in each channel carrier signal amplification, data carrier on the reverse transmission amplification. The quality and use of amplifier adjustment is when the performance index of the project plays a decisive role, it must cause our enough attention.
The main parameters of the amplifier has:
1 amp maximum gain: parameter to evaluate the magnifying power amplifier, dB, the maximum gain of common amplifier in 30dB. The actual gain should be adjusted according to determine the signal loss, general amplifier with gain adjustment range of 025dB.
2: noise figure parameters to measure the size of the amplifier noise produced by themselves. Noise in images showed snow interference, noise levels in an amplifier system is cumulative, common amplifier noise figure is below 8dB, requires smaller is better.
3 of the maximum output level: parameter measuring amplifier dynamic range requirements, the maximum output level of the bigger the better, common amplifier in 110120dB maximum output level.
4 input level range: the size of the input signal amplifier can guarantee the normal work of the 7085dB, generally in between.
5 nonlinear distortion: the measure of signal amplifier results in intermodulation intermodulation interference degree, parameters, about the intermodulation intermodulation interference problem, discussed in chapter fourth.
6 slope compensation range: the higher the frequency of the signal cable attenuation is on the same level, each channel signal after a certain length of cable transmission in the end will have low channel signal level is high, high channel signal level low phenomenon, this is called ramp rate attenuation phenomenon. Therefore, it needs to be corrected in the amplifier amplification, which is called the slope compensation. Requirements of amplifier has a slope compensation ability of 0~18dB in the frequency range.